Marie Devilreux: Burlesque Bombshell

I met Marie Devilreux, aka Dressed to Kill You on instagram during my trip to London in July. Marie is an absolute legend in the world of burlesque and fetish in London and I felt so lucky to be in the presence of such a queen. I photographed Marie in my gothic romantic hotel suite at The Chateau Denmark and I chatted with her a few weeks later when I was back in New York on a video call about the life she’s created living her truth as a full time femme fatale, fire tassel twirler, burlesque performer, and latex queen.

Leo: I remember when I photographed you we realized we are both leo’s. I just turned 40 on July 29th - remind me when your birthday is?

Marie: It’s the 4th of August.

Leo: Do you celebrate your birthday?

Marie: Not anymore.I just feel the older I get the less I want to celebrate it not because of age because I think I'm way better now. Now I feel like I'm more beautiful than when I was younger. I like myself more now. I feel like the older I get, the less patience I have for people. So it's just like, I don't want to be with all these people that might not care about me tomorrow. I just want to be like my cat. That’s what I like doing.

Marie: Are you planning any parties for your 40th? 

Leo: Yes, I am. I was having an emotional breakdown. I was like, oh, I’m turning 40th and nobody cares about me- I was feeling so dramatic.. And then it's like, no, bitch, get it together.  I'm really cool and I’ve met a lot of dope women in New York in the past two years. It's amazing to turn 40! So I planned a big party at this brand new roller skating rink that just opened up and I invited like 30 women. I only like women. I don’t like men anymore. I don’t need male energy in my life.

Marie: I’ve always had a lot of gay friends. That’s my middle ground because I don’t like men because they’re gross but women don’t like me normally. 

Leo: I've only been in New York for two years. I don't know where my gay friends are. I must find them!Anyway, tell me where you’re from and what brought you to London.

Marie: I came to London 12 years ago to do a master’s degree in costume design. I have a BA in fashion in Brazil. And the way I like creating isn’t very accepted or celebrated in my country. It was too weird. London was more accepting of conceptual art and also erotic art especially. Most of the fashion designers who inspired me were from London.

Leo: What did you do when you first moved to London? What was your first job?

Marie: I was accepted into many universities but because they were all private they were so expensive- they were trying to charge me like 30 grand a year instead of 3 grand a year or whatever it would have cost in my country. And I thought, I can’t afford this. I was able to move to London as a European citizen because I have a Greek passport - my mom’s parents are Greek. At the time I was  working at a latex company and I was doing fetish modeling. And I thought I really needed to get a master’s degree but then I realized that in London people don’t care as much about what diploma you have.

Leo: Tell me about the latex company you worked for.

Marie: I often try to learn things independently. I took this little latex introduction course because I was very into fetish and latex aesthetics and after that I decided I was going to make latex clothes. So I went to this famous fetish brand to buy the latex to make it myself. There was this very known person in the fetish scene named Max who worked there. We became friendly straightaway and he offered me a random job at the company. It was better than nothing. I was basically quality controlling all of the garments they would make. I learned how pieces should look and how they should be well made. In the beginning I felt it was a shitty job but in the long run it was very helpful for when I started making latex costumes.

Eventually I started assisting the designers and learning about how to make latex clothing for men and women. I learned a lot during the four years I worked there. Sometimes they still send me clients who want custom latex who they think are a match for my aesthetic.

Leo: What did you transition to next after that job?

Marie: I started doing performance work and burlesque.  I’ve always loved dancing and creating since I was a child. I’ve always loved being glamorous and dressing up and I’ve always loved- you’re going to laugh- being naked. My mom told me I used to rip my clothes off everywhere. When I became a stripper I was like, this is perfect. I’m getting paid to be me. But anyway being naked is our natural form.

I’d always been interested in strippers and stripping- from a young age I thought- this is so powerful. My motivation to be a stripper has never been to please men but rather to be powerful in my own sexuality. I’ve also loved being sexy and glamourous and London provides the place where I can feel safe and accepted doing that as my career.

Leo: I love that you have no intention of pleasing men. As a fellow stripper I completely understand what you mean. I really love your aesthetic. You have some delightful villainous energy. It’s sexy and scary.

Marie: Yes I said the same thing to a friend of mine at the strip club yesterday because she cut her hair. I told her- you look like you could kill people with this hair- you look amazing! And she said, yeah that’s the problem- I have to be mellow and more attractive to men here and actually it’s the same for me. Some men are afraid of me so I don’t make as much money.

Leo: What is a typical work week like for you?

Marie: I work 3-4 nights at the strip club, which is more of a lap dance club and girlfriend experience sort of place. If I’m not at the club I’m working at a dinner show, or nightclub doing a burlesque performance. And sometimes I work at fetish events like Torture Garden.

Leo: How did you learn fire tassel twirling?

(Marie has this incredible skill where she has tassels hanging from her pasties that she lights on fire and dances in such a way as to twirl them- it’s absolutely mind blowing and you can watch it here!)

Marie: I was preparing to learn from the lady who originated it named Satan’s Angel but sadly she passed away. She was really protective about the skill and I actually ended up learning from someone she really disliked. I’ve always loved danger and pushing boundaries. I like challenging myself and my body. I wanted to make my burlesque sexy and dangerous rather than simply stripping. I wanted to add something more. Perhaps I am a megalomaniac!

Leo: I think that’s so fucking cool. I wish I could see you perform! What’s most rewarding about being a performer?

Marie: I love that sometimes I inspire people to start following their dreams. I used to perform in this big dinner show and there was a woman who saw my show and then came back again with her daughter a few weeks later to watch it again. And she wanted to meet me and she told me that she had recently gone through a divorce and she was feeling so sad but she was ready to start feeling herself again and date or have sex with men. And after she watched my performance she told me it inspired her to be sexy and she actually got laid!

Sometimes what I do is hard for my partner- I feel like a lot of men don’t like it when their partner does erotic or sensual work. But I tell him I feel like I’m doing a very important service to people. When I work in the strip club I can see that guys are just looking for a connection. They need to feel that they matter. Some of the guys that come in are neurodiverse or have autism. These are my favorite to be honest because I can see a strip club is the safest place they have to get attention from a woman. And what they want is understandable. And I help them to feel good about themselves.

So with my performances and at the strip club I feel that I’m giving back to the community.

Leo: Yes- you’re giving sexual healing and energy into the world. It’s fucking beautiful. And I completely relate as I’ve done the same work in the club.

I asked my friend Sexorcist who is a big fan or yours if she had any questions for you and she said- I just want to know what she eats for breakfast!

Marie: I’m very simple with my breakfast. I eat sourdough toast with butter and I have coconut milk with ground chocolate powder. I have it cold or hot depending on the weather.

Sometimes I have strawberries and bananas to feel more healthy. Sometimes I eat this cheesy bread from my country that we put in the oven. It’s just great. I’m very childish when it comes to food. So now everyone knows my secret. I’m not that evil looking anymore. Also I don't like coffee and I don't like tea.

Leo: Marie you are an absolute icon and I’m so lucky to have met you. I’m so glad you could come to my amazing hotel suite in London and shoot with me so last minute.

Marie: You know I don’t usually do things last minute but when you asked me I thought you know what? I will do that.


Cat Delalune : The Queen of Latex


Miriam Veil: fetish model & full time Femme Fatale