Cat Delalune : The Queen of Latex

Cat Delalune is the queen of styling and layering latex. I met Cat through instagram and the fetish scene here in New York. We had many mutual friends and I was fascinated with her ability to combine the most exquisite latex pieces to create these flawless looks that she wears so perfectly. I photographed Cat and chatted with her about how she got into the scene and what her fashion means to her. You can check out more of Cat on her instagram.

Leo:  I’m so curious about your journey into the world of leather, latex, and fetish fashion. How did you first get interested in it?

Cat: My journey started when I was a teenager as I’ve always been inspired by multiple outlets such as fashion, comic books, anime and video games. I gained more confidence into my journey when I joined the lingerie community in 2020. Then, I started to incorporate more leatherwear and once I discovered latex, it was a whole new world for me. 

Leo: Your fashion references pro-dommes but you’ve told me you’re not a pro-domme. Can you tell me what inspires you about them?

Cat: Everything about them is so fantastic and alluring. I admire them so greatly as their craft and expertises are unparalleled. I am very curious about the human emotion state of mind and what draws people to be attracted to certain things. Many of my close friends are Pro-Dommes and their work is amazing and brilliant. I’m always intrigued with the personas and each one has their unique style.

Leo: What’s your involvement in the fetish community? I know we met at the Torture Garden party- how many years have you been going?

Cat: I find a lot of enjoyment and happiness in the fetish community. I haven’t formally labeled what I would consider myself as but I feel closely related to being an artist and creator. If I were to consider myself as a role in the kink lifestyle, I would most relate to myself as a Switch. I feel most with myself and intune with others when I can share a space with trusted parties and make something vulnerable and beautiful. For Torture Garden, I’ve been going for two years now! My first time was last year and it was TGNY 2023.

Leo: What does fetish and kink mean to you? 

Cat: Fetish and kink means so many things to me. It’s funny I’ve been asked this question on different occasions and it’s coated with curiosity. As I’ve mentioned, it’s offered a space where I can share moments with others and myself. I respect it may not be for others and that is accepted. For me, it allows me to explore the spaces where my body and mind can explore its relationships not just with my existence but how it holds in the current physical space in this world. Fetish and fashion are more similar than people think because it needs the body form to exist and pushes the boundaries of a body’s capabilities. It provokes emotions.

Leo: You are so talented at layering these complex latex pieces and your outfits are so well put together! How long have you been doing it?

Cat: Thank you and you are so kind with your words! I’ve always been very interested in layering, not just latex and leather but I’ve always been very experimental with the way I’ve dressed since I was a child. I love to experiment with different textures and silhouettes on myself.

Leo: Where does your motivation to share your fashion on instagram come from? Has it brought important community into your life? What else does it attract to you?

Cat: My motivation to share my fashion comes from sharing and exploring. Social media is the current way for information to circulate so quickly. My goal is to offer and challenge people to do more with what they have and have them understand there are so many ways to style pieces and express themselves in the ways they feel comfortable in. They may not style the same pieces but I want to instill confidence in them to explore and try new things! For me, it has formed a strong community in my life as I’ve been introduced to many wonderful people who again appreciate and adore my vision. It’s continuously brought me into a path where I understand myself better in how I want to portray myself to the world and with that, I feel as if I’ve grown into my skin better.

Leo: What are some of your all time favorite fetish brands?

Cat: There are so many amazing brands to choose from but here are some of my favorite leather brands, Creepyyeha, Zana Bayne, Anoeses and Marie Mur. My favourite latex brands are Libidex, Bright and Shiny, Vinnoir, Kurage.


Leo Brooklyn: Erotic Photographer & Muse


Marie Devilreux: Burlesque Bombshell