Sexorcist: demon babe art muse

I sat down with Yasmin Jones, aka Sexoricist the performance artist, aka Beelzebaby the bad bitch illustrator after photographing her in my studio. Yasmin is a total femme fatale who creates hyper femme, sexy, horror illustrations which inspired the persona she now blesses with us on stages around New York City. Follow her on ig at @s3xoricst to catch one of her mind blowing sexorcisms in real life. And check out her artwork on ig at @beelzebaby_ and

Leo Brooklyn: Can you tell me how your Sexorcist persona came to be?

Sexorcist: Honesty I just got it from a meme online. It said something like “someone call sexorcist because I want to fuck a ghost” and I was like that’s very relatable but also the name sexorcist is a combination of sexy and scary which is perfect.  After that I decided I wanted to do more with it and make it a whole persona so I started modeling under it and doing performances. I’ve been doing my sexorcist persona for 4 years now and I started taking it seriously about a year into it.

My illustrations also inspired my persona.  I developed my style of drawing these fierce bad bitches for so many years. I thought why don’t I just become these bad bitches that I’ve been drawing?  Illustration is my first love and my main art form and my drawings inspired me to break into the performance art scene so I’ve been focusing more on that now.

original artwork by Sexoricist aka Beelzebaby

original artwork by Sexorcist aka Beelzebaby

Leo Brooklyn: Can you describe what your Sexorcism performances are like?

Sexoricist: They’re a combination of scary and sexy- I love exploring eroticism in a way that’s disturbing. I love to get messy with it. All of my performances so far have involved something getting thrown on me. The first two were candle wax. But I want to get crazier with it- like get more candle wax thrown at me. 

Leo Brooklyn: Tell me about your epic candle wax performance- set the stage for me.

Sexorcist: I got to perform it at Le Bain which was a dream come true because that was one of the first places I saw really kooky crazy performers. I wanted to perform in a candelabra bikini and I tried to find one on etsy but couldn’t.  And then I literally see a candelabra bikini posted on my friend Sandy Shoaf’s instagram - @threepigsvintage and it was perfect!  She mounted a 3 piece candle stick holder meant for the wall on a bikini instead. When I arrive on stage with the bikini and a torch lighter I start lighting the candles on my bra and then I get into a spider position to light the vagina candle and as I’m doing this the wax is dripping on my body. During the whole set it’s getting everywhere- like it’s dripping onto my eyelashes- thank god I’m wearing fake lashes! The wax got everywhere- all over my face, vagina and boobs. I conclude the performance by using my spit and hand to put out all of the candles.

Leo Brooklyn: What were you communicating with this dope ass performance and what did it mean to you?

Sexorcist: It’s hard for me to explain because all of my performances are a vision that I get fixated on and feel compelled to do.  I feel like a lot of my artwork conveys beauty but also pain. With my drawings I make them scary - my characters are crying or they have an anguished face and they look scary. In my artwork and performances I want to convey pain.

Leo Brooklyn: To me it’s all about power- combining aggressive sexuality with pain is so cool. I totally get it.

Leo Brooklyn: Tell me about the blood performance. What were you wearing and how did you create the scene?

Sexorcist: I sampled the scene from the classic horror movie Carrie where they announced that she won the title of prom queen. I was standing in the back of the audience when the scene started on a large screen. I came onto the stage from the back of the room by moving through the audience. And when I got on stage I’m thanking everyone. And so I wanted to recreate the scene where she gets blood poured onto her so I step into a kiddie pool so that when I get soaked in blood it catches the mess. I had a friend with the bucket of blood ready to pour it on me. I was wearing the dress from Carrie- I found the pink dress online and ordered it and I had the shawl. I had pink roses. I recreated the part of the movie where the room goes red and she looks in all of the corners to close the doors. So when that scene ends and I’m on stage covered in blood I transition to the theme song from the tv show Dragula and I take off the pink dress and I’m wearing a multi layered leather one bodysuit with black stiletto boots underneath and I jump into the kiddie pool. I had another bucket of blood next to the kiddie pool that I poured on myself so that I could be totally covered in blood. And then I had the sign from the movie that said ‘Carrie White rots in hell’ but I made it say ‘Sexorcist rots in hell.’ I picked up the sign and broke it in half and rolled all over the stage and threw blood on people in the front.

Leo Brooklyn: I love how you incorporate these visceral tactile elements in your performances- it’s so sick.

Sexorcist: Yeah I’m alway like what else can I throw on myself?

Leo Brooklyn: So we have wax, blood, and now cake. I need to hear about the technicalities of your cake performance which I saw because I was so in awe of how extreme and sexy it was and your ability to pull it off in a venue with….shall we say….no amenities for dealing with a sexy cake mess! So it’s the middle of winter and freezing outside and you do this sexy dance and cake sitting in a warehouse and now you’ve got icing and cake up in every crevice so how did you deal with that after you were finished with your super hot performance.

Sexorcist: Well I learned my lesson- but only a little bit - after the blood performance because I didn’t even bring a towel to clean up because the real performance was gonna be now I’m covered in blood for the rest of the night, but there was literally no way for me to get it off so I was totally committed to the blood.

But for the cake one there was no way I was going to stay covered in cake so I brought a change of clothes.  But I alway have adrenaline after I perform and I want to be in the outfit and walk around and hang out with people after. But I brought a towel but the towel was totally ruined.

Leo Brooklyn: Well I’m totally obsessed with how your drawings are an inspiration for your persona and the way you use do these totally sexy, messy performances. It’s so powerful.  To me your art celebrate powerful cunty women who don’t give a fuck so that’s everything to me.

Sexorcist: For sure- those are definitely the people who inspire me the most.


Lily Kasai: kinky playmate, quirky deviant